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Online Job Search- Job - Job Portal-

TalentsCrew is a job portal to search for jobs, Recruitment, employment, and career growth opportunities. Search and apply for thousands of jobs in Healthcare, IT, Finance, Banking, Insurance, Construction, etc. Post your resume today and apply for various job vacancies in India.

How to write a resume headline with Example

What was the best print advertisement you have seen lately? How did it impacted your mind? What did you like about it? There is slight chance that you didn't pay much attention to the content but the design made a lasting impression on you and this made you check out the whole content for a while. Believe me your resume is just like a advertisement for the employers. With a everyday changes in the Human resource policies the HR prefer now a resume which is well documented, designed and all the information is aligned properly. Modern resume are available in various format and these format play a very important role to get you an interview call from the recruiter. It speak volume about your work, experience and expertise. A well organised resume is a collection of your thought about your work history. So picking up the best format is necessary while sending your job application to the employers.

How to write a Resignation letter

Moving on from on job to another is part of your work. You work for a company for some time and then one day you decided to move on. You have signed the offer letter for the new company and now the only thing standing between you and your new job is submitting the resignation letter. it's not always easy to say good to your boss and colleague. You will have to sit for a one on one round with the boss and human resource manager explaining them the reason for your departure. Resignation letter is the official document you submit to your higher-ups and the HR manager will set the tone for the next two weeks at the office—as well as your relationship moving forward.

How to Answer Why Should we Hire you - TalentsCrewcom

Most of the candidate are well qualifies for the job responsibilities. But having enough experience is just not enough to be hired by a potential employer.You should always have some exceptional expertise to close the deal for you. Why should we hire is a question asked to a candidate to know his progressive approach towards his work, which can be directly linked to answering this question. You must prepare a concise summary of answer regardless of the fact that the interviewer is going to ask this question or not The summary generally conclude your top most reason to be hired for this job.

Self Introduction for Job Interview

First impression plays a vital role to get selected in a job interviews. generally this question begin with "Tell me about yourself" or "introduce yourself" which actually set the tone for further process. These questions generally easy as most people are aware about themselves but what they do not know is interviewer perspective to understand them. This question is actually a USP of the interview as the set of questionnaire will be a reference to this question. You must understand the interviewer is not very much interested to know only about your personal detail and family background. He wants to know your mindset regarding the jobs and all of your previous jobs.